Born on: 28th April, 1979
The ex-president of Iraq Saddam Hussain also called the Butcher of Baghdad was born on 28 th April, 1937 and his father figure was Kharaillah Talfah who brought him up. He died on 30 th Dec, 2006 at the age of 69 due to execution by hanging. He married Sajida Talfah and Samira Shahbandar and five children. He gained power from 1979 and was known for his brutality. He was the president of Ba ath Party. In 2003 with the combined forces of US and UK he was captured from Iraq and was convicted with the charges of killing 148 Iraqi Shi a.
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He makes sole thing as his life-motto- Freedom! He is very adventurous and wild child. He does not like to stay in particular place or situation. He is highly adaptable to changes. He is highly creative and full of high energy. He neither broods in the past nor plagues himself with future. He believes in do it now. He is sociable, extrovert and dynamic. Saddam Hussein has learned the idea to think about long-term goal. In romance, he does not commit himself easily to permanent commitment. Saddam Hussein will only settle with his partner, if he allows him enough freedom and individuality.
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