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Pisces Moon Sign Meena Rashi january 2025 Monthly Prediction

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Pisces moon sign Meena rashi Pisces  House is Ownes by Jupyter (Guru). Moon sign (Rashi) Pisces  means that Moon was present in Pisces Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction.

Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for Pisces  Moon Sign.This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.

Pisces Meena, january 2025: 1st January to 7th January :

Due to your stubbornness the family peace will be hampered. So maintain your patience. Be attentive towards your health. Try to stay apart from your neighbour because they are not friendly to you. Those who are still not in job, they will get the opportunity of jobs. This week is very favourable for the politicians because they will earn their respect and name from their respective works. The family peace will be maintained through-out the time. But be attentive towards the health of your father because his health will not be sound. You will be assisted by your friends or by your relatives. You will able to earn a lot of money but you hardly able to save a penny. You will able to fulfil your wish partially. This time is more or less favourable for business. You will able to collect a proportion of money which is running at the market in terms of your business.

Pisces Meena, january 2025: 8th January to 14th January:

You will be worried due to your huge expense. You may change your working place. There will be a lot of opportunities in your hand. So you try to select the right one at right time to prosper at your career. You have to take all your decisions with the help of your intellect and judging power. Due to your stubbornness the family peace will be hampered. So maintain your patience. Be attentive towards your health. Try to stay apart from your neighbour because they are not friendly to you. The politicians will get their name and success from their career and this is the high time for the politician to earn the public support with their honesty and social activities. Your health will not good. So be careful regarding your health. Be conscious because someone will try to make you harm. You may be connected with the religious activities and it will give you mental pleasure and satisfaction. This will happen with the advice one of your relatives.

Pisces Meena, january 2025: 15th January t o 21st January:

You will able to solve the problems related to your business if you use your intellect and creative genius. You will get back the energy and courage for doing your works at your working field. You can-not be able to set your mind at your working place. So try to avoid it. During this week you will feel a great sense of responsibilities. This week will be excellent forging ahead at work. Things are hectic and you need to stay grounded. Dont forget to maintain your exercise routine. You could suddenly find the answer to a long-standing problem. This week is also time for you to go for your desires. Nervousness or irritability due to stress of increased demands at work is possible. The pace at work is likely to be fast, even hectic. You might face some financial problems. Few relatives will come. This week is not good for working field. This is also an expensive week too. Be careful regarding your health.

Pisces Meena, january 2025: 22nd January to 31st January:

Know your work. Make sure you can communicate your thoughts in an impressive manner. If you have interesting ideas to work on, share them with your seniors. Delays in important matters may take place. At work, colleagues or partners might plot against you. Co-workers may feel jealous of your success. During this week you will be attacked by sudden storm in your family. But dont be tensed. It will recover soon. This week is also favourable for the business, especially those who are related to Kolkata area. Your colleagues will be supportive and helpful to you. There have a golden opportunity to set for abroad for higher studies. Behave in a practical way. A non-stop flow of communication can be expected between you and that some -one special. You should ensure that people around you have trust in you and vice versa. Accept things you can-not change.

Free Moonsign Prediction for January 2025 is here..